Duct Access

Manage your infrastructure better with Duct Access

Gain access to our vast subterranean network

Telstra InfraCo Duct Access features hundreds of thousands of kilometres of duct and millions of pits for better cable infrastructure management in more places.

If you are an ACMA-licensed carrier, you can install and operate fibre throughout this vast network.


Why Duct Access will work with your business

Design, deploy and manage your digital infrastructure with Australia's largest suite of ducts, pits, tunnels and manholes—and the advice of our infrastructure experts.

Access existing infrastructure

Our extensive network of ducts, tunnels, manholes and pits allows you to install and operate your own fibre.

370,000 kms of national ducts

With 59% of ducts in metro and 41% in regional and remote areas, you can manage your network in more places.  

7.5M pits and manholes nationwide

With 60% in metro and 40% in regional and remote areas, you have access to millions of pits and manholes across Australia. 

Connect with us

Find the right team member

Our services include sales, maintenance and partnerships – all of which you can access from our main contact page or enquiry form.

Help protect our network

Minimising damage to infrastructure to maximise the efficiency of essential services and customer safety.